• Published by: Elizabeth Nielson
  • December 21, 2023

Building a Relationship with Christ Through Covenants

We all face challenges and trials in life. At times we may feel alone, afraid, or unable to cope. But we have a loving Savior, Jesus Christ, who promises we don’t have to walk the path of mortality alone. Through His infinite Atonement, Christ has the power and desire to lift us up and bring us into His presence if we will come unto Him. 

In her recent General Conference address Walking in Covenant Relationship with Christ, Sister Emily Belle Freeman shares beautiful insights into how making and keeping sacred covenants allows us to draw nearer to the Savior and receive His strength to not just overcome our trials but to become like Him. 

As we study her message, we come to better understand the “why” behind Christ’s condescension to walk among and redeem mankind as well as the “why” behind the covenants and ordinances of His holy temples. When we comprehend the eternal power and purpose of these covenants, our dedication to live faithfully and bind ourselves to our Beloved Savior is renewed.

Condescension: Christ Meets Us Where We Are
Christ’s condescension to come to earth as a mortal man is one of the most hope-filled doctrines of the Plan of Salvation. His willingness to take upon himself flesh, to feel what we feel, allows Him to succor us in our infirmities (see Alma 7:11-12). He knows exactly what we’re going through because He has walked that road before us.

Sister Freeman teaches that Christ’s earthly mission in Gethsemane, His suffering on the cross, and His resurrection from the tomb all demonstrate His desire to meet us precisely where we are in our fallen state. No matter how lost, sinful, or broken we may feel, He descended below it all in order to lift us up. As Jacob cried from the dust for deliverance from his imperfect and alone state (see 2 Nephi 9), so the Savior hears our cries and comes to rescue us.

This condescension of Christ provides needed comfort and assurance. We worship a God who understands. We follow a Shepherd who seeks after the one lost sheep. We love a Brother who leaves the ninety and nine to carry us back to the fold if we have gone astray.

But Christ’s mission of condescension serves a greater purpose than just lending sympathy. As Sister Freeman clarifies, “Staying where we are won’t bring the deliverance we seek.” And the Lord “doesn’t intend to leave any of us where we are.” His empathy is but the first crucial step to lifting and transforming us into beings of glory and power like unto Himself.

Ascension: Christ Lifts Us To Where He Is
After Christ meets us amidst our sorrow and pain, He extends His nail-scarred hand to guide us to higher spiritual ground. Sister Freeman explains that “His is also a mission of ascension. He will work within us to lift us up to where He is and in the process enable us to become as He is.” Only through accessing His grace and transforming power can we overcome sin and one day attain exaltation.

This process of ascension explains the why behind temple covenants and ordinances. In holy temples, we learn God’s pattern for living. We receive priesthood authority and power. We gain insight into our divine identity and purpose. Step by step, our spiritual vision is expanded as we receive and faithfully live according to sacred knowledge.

Line upon line, the teachings of the temple lift our sights above the Telestial Kingdom and push us on toward the Celestial. Like Jacob’s ladder, the covenants of the temple connect heaven and earth, beckoning us upward into greater light and love. As we honor these covenants, including being worthy to wear the sacred garment, we increasingly sanctify our thoughts, words, and deeds to reflect godliness. 

Covenant Relationship: Companions on the Path
We might be tempted to think our obedience alone merits heavenly blessings and glory. But as Sister Freeman reminds us, “It's not the course alone that will exalt us; it is the companion – our Savior.” Only through His mercy and grace can we be saved. Our works, while necessary, are insufficient without His redeeming power. 

He stands eager to lift and exalt us, but we must choose to let Him. We must remember it is a relationship of reciprocity. As we reach out to Him in diligent prayer, scripture study, and temple worship, He reaches back, granting forgiveness, peace, revelations and the strength to walk worthy of the covenant path.

Together, as trusted companions, we endure joyfully to the end. When we stumble, He lifts us up. When we cry, He dries our tears. When we’re weary, He carries us. And one day, because of our covenant connection, He will greet us with open arms and welcome us into our eternal rest.
Our covenants don’t just bless us but also all others bound to us. Our faithfulness allows God’s promises of salvation to flow on to current and future generations. Even those who have temporarily chosen to walk away from gospel truths can yet feel the hope of redemption through the steadfastness of righteous parents, grandparents and ancestors.

Come Walk With Him: An Invitation to You
If you seek greater conviction and joy along your discipleship journey, accept Sister Freeman’s invitation to nurture a deeper covenant relationship with Christ. Start by asking someone you trust to introduce you to the Savior they know and love. Open your scriptures with an eye single to connecting with your Beloved Friend. Attend the temple seeking further light and knowledge. Pour out your heart to Heavenly Parents who cherish you as Their child. 

As you reach out in faith, the Lord will reach back. He will lift you up. Day by day, you will feel His presence more tangibly and walk more confidently in His redeeming light. And together along the covenant path, you will discover the richest of relationships and the fullest of joy.
